Id like to say hello to the French readers out there. Turns out a good portion of my audience is French!!! You guys have a beautiful country and language by the way. No chance that Im being overly nice either!
So here is to the French. Thanks guys!
Now even more interesting is that most people got here via Google search engine. Well I guess it isnt a surprise seeing as Blogger itself is a Google tool. The top two things that bring people here?
"zebra brown white stripes"
"portal cake ingredient list"
hahaha. Now I had the actual ingredients and how to for an edible version of the portal cake. In fact, there is a hard way from scratch and an easy way from instant cake stuff (like the box cake mix.)
But what truly gets me going...the fact that over 75% of you are using Internet Explorer.
This disgusts me.
Most of you are also on Windows which is understandable but IE????