Music store uses instrument grade wood to make turkey calls comeback calls making turkey and duck jake wilt's how to make a a turkey box call. How to make turkey calls box's curved sides and produce a sound not unlike a turkey's call. only work with one of the wood flats, how to make a turkey box call .. For hunters wanting to move up from the mass-produced turkey calls found at many outdoor supply stores, custom-made box calls and pot-style calls offer a big step up in terms of quality, sound and tradition..
Is there a ?better? wood for making turkey box calls? or is it entirely in the hands of whoever makes the call. walnut, cedar,chestnut.... Box calls. dick turpin turkey calls. box calls. dick turpin turkey calls. home. box calls. he developed a wood finish for his immaculate instruments of sound.. Brown wood offers the highest quality wood components for the assembly of exceptional turkey calls, including box calls, friction pots and strikers..