So I finally got almost all the operating systems I wanted.
I put in one called Wolvix into my laptop. Yes I chose it cause of the name...I like wolves. They are my favorite animal =]
big mistake? Maybe haha.
SO it has a generic boot like this
minus all the nice colors haha...and a lot more words.
then it took me to a screen like this
Then took me to this
Then took me to a very plain grey screen that just said Wolvix.
yeah I couldnt shut it down. All it hat was the time and ways to get to different work stations
so I searched the internet...found a command...but didnt know how to get to command prompt. I found that by accident and finally
shutdown -h now
then my computer turned off =]
wonder what the - means. I know in BASH command lines you also use - letters to kill other things. haha
ie my most used one in ubuntu
killall -q firefox