And of course A HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Please make it a safe one
Amateur Urban Aquaponics, if I can do it, you can do it too..:)
Just arrived from Singapore... and one photo of tomatoes for starter.
Weve made a commitment to stay on our site during the aftertime. We have a large vegie/herb cage (to keep kangaroos out not vegies in) dimensions 15 x 5 metres. At my Permaculture Design Course with Bill Mollison 18 years ago he advised that the soil is the safest seed bank.....
It is not difficult to design a basic aquaponic system that can be placed indoors or outdoors. The options you have are to purchase a readymade kit or get the components from your local hardware and hobby supply stores and build the unit yourself.
Weve made a commitment to stay on our site during the aftertime. We have a large vegie/herb cage (to keep kangaroos out not vegies in) dimensions 15 x 5 metres. At my Permaculture Design Course with Bill Mollison 18 years ago he advised that the soil is the safest seed bank.....
Aquaponics System
It is not difficult to design a basic aquaponic system that can be placed indoors or outdoors. The options you have are to purchase a readymade kit or get the components from your local hardware and hobby supply stores and build the unit yourself.
How many times you do not want to grow their own vegetables, with no chemicals or preservatives, only organic food that you, your children and your entire family can eat safely? How many times do you not think that the purchase of land that will offer you the organic crop you owe?
What is Aquaponics?
Technical Description: Aquaponics is the blending of aquaculture (fish-keeping) and hydroponics (growing plants without soil). In an aquaponic system the fish, plants, and various bacteria form a symbiotic group: the fish eat food and excrete waste. The fish waste is consumed by the bacteria which break it down in to nitrates, which are absorbed by the plants.
BENEFITING: Amsha Africa Foundation
PROJECT ORGANIZER: Amsha Africa Foundation
Want to help Fundraise or Volunteer for this Project? JOIN THE TEAM
Amsha Africa Foundation wrote -
Amsha Africa Foundation (AAF) is working with grassroots community movements in 6 project locations in rural Kenya to educate and help build simple and sustainable aquaponic systems from locally available materials.
Aquaponics is an inventive form of closed-system agriculture that utilizes...
Affnans Aquaponics
Amateur Urban Aquaponics, if I can do it, you can do it too..:)
Amir Picking Tomatoes
More Cherry tomatoes ripening and the plants will die once all tomatoes ripen.
Sq . ft . gardening may be the approach to planning for a small planted garden. This practice follows other organic gardening ideas and this technique is perfect for areas with really poor soil or novice gardeners or people with disabilities. The initial method on this practice normally contains an open box with finite amount of soil, divided into grids.
Are you looking for a way to keep your children busy and make them more responsible or you are a senior trying to find a profitable activity that will not require too much effort? Are you always on the run and you can never get to the market to buy fresh veggies for your meals? Then why not start an aquaponic garden? It is suitable for...
Why I Choose Aquaponics? - Maximize the yield with minimum effort
Dec 13th, 2010
by admin.
As a starting point of self-sufficiency, growing vegetables and fruits in the backyard would be one of the easiest options. In my case, garden production was the first project, then raising hens for eggs was next. Composting and recycling water came somewhere between. All projects are enjoyable and rewarding. As I get used to this lifestyle change, these projects get easier to maintain.
Now, Im thinking about the next, probably the hardest project to...

I will be back on the first Monday in the new year. That is as close as I can get according to your/my location. Basically I try to publish the Blog around midnight Monday evening Australian Eastern Standard Time. So if you get it a bit late at least now you understand why.
Anyhow All the Best and see you real soon