Sabtu, 04 Juni 2016

WTF just happened

Yesterday I got a pain in my chest so painful that I couldnt even move my arms. I cried. I didnt mean to but I couldnt even explain what I was feeling to a manager. I just...cried.

A muscle relaxer + acetaminophen DIDNT fix it. After some good sleeping, I felt a little better but it still hurts. Time to call the doc.

Im deciding if I want to jump into unemployment. Maybe I could be a small cannery, providing to sac foods co op till I can finish college. Id get more financial aid anyway. it worth it? Im starting to think so!

Lets say we grow our own food and stick to a mostly vegan get by for free on food. But one thing is for sure. I was a pretty healthy person...till Wal-Mart came in my life. I havent gotten so sick in my entire life. Thank you work for killing me.

In greater news...

Sac County shelter offers grooming lessons to volunteers so I could get experience under my belt for different jobs. AND Sac City offers veterinary assistant volunteer hours...even better.

YOOOSSSSSSSSSSSS I love life. Yes!!!!

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